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Good morning everyone!

It's a brand new YEAR!
I'm actually more than glad that i'm welcoming something new, after quite some time.
Plus, new year means a brand new start, everything clean and fresh and you get to start from zero again.
And I'm also more than glad that last year have passed, dramatically actually, if you were to refer to my emotional state at the end of the year.
But I'm more than happy to announce that...
I think I'm doing okay, so far so good. :)
It's been so long since I've finally felt so light, so damn freaking light.
I'm so happy that I am able to smile at so many things, once that were so bothering to me.
It's been too long, I am not letting this shit go man. I am going to hold on to this awesome feeling for the next 364 days.
Hahaha.Well, there goes my first new year resolution!
I remember back in those days and years I used to like, write a post about how the previous year had been, what had I done and then start thinking of my new year resolutions.
But as I grew older and had lesser time to blog, I tend to forget, and somehow those posts never stayed as a yearly thing. But today since I remembered, I just want to make a slight wrap up?

A year that had taught me so much, both in the good and also the hard ways.
I forgot how the beginning of the year was like, but the earlier sem of the university (Year 2 Final Sem) was when my heart died away. Hahahaha. I totally lose interest in studies, but somehow managed to score quite well (thank you God) and had been quite a sem, where I get to know someone much better that I think, I'd like to keep for the rest of my life. A friend that is close to being a family to me. Besides that, I have also managed to keep a closer bond to someone that I cherish a lot not only in my university life, but for the rest of my life too. 
And still blessed that I've been surrounded by some of the kindest people that I would ever come across in life. 
I just want to thank everyone that had been there, or had not been there for me, because even your slightest existence in my life - I'd appreciate.
And then there comes the latter part of the year, where things actually start crumbling down bit by bit, due to my insecurities and expectations, and this is where learning the hard way comes.
But I think I'm over it.
I don't want to conclude or rush things too fast with my own feelings, but I really am feeling it.
So, with the good and bad things that 2014 had given me, I am still thankful that 2014 happened the way it happened. 
Despite all the bad things I felt towards the end of the year I guess I am okay with it,
I can finally say I am okay with it.

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I am actually down with fever, hence I missed my countdown! Boohoo. Bummer.
But it's okay lah, hahahah despite the fact that it is my last year here with this bunch but I guess the days that counts are the days that we are together, and not just the special occasion dates. 
Right now, I'm just hoping that I'd recover from my sickness so that I can rock my exam papers. 
The fever has been coming and going, and limiting what I can do which is quite sucky....
But it's okay lah, I have to feel better in order to feel better.

And so! Happy new year peeps.
Hopefully 2015 will be a great year for all of us. 

Shoutout to some of my favourite bunch:
My university friends , AM 227, my ES coursemates.
My hometown darlings.
And my beloved family.
Loads, loads, loads of love.