Do you prefer being stereotyped into particular groups
or do you prefer to be judged at?
A friend told me the two terms are actually quite similar, but to me, although similar, they are still different.
Different in terms of....
Stereotyping is basically using the typical mindset and saying that you are such and such, you are the same as this particular group of people, and you act accordingly to what people think is normal in that group.
E,g, you are conservative : Typical Asian.
Being judged at, is a particular comment from someone, who got the idea from your opinion, or your action, or even your appearance that you are this person.
E.g, you drive an imported car - you're loaded, or your family is loaded.
Judgments are usually more individualistic.
So... which do you dislike more?
Take a guess on which I absolutely loathe.
Don't worry. I do both (stereotyping and judging) too so we are no different.