I be me, You be you.

Well, hello there.
Been some time since I've written like, a post telling you how I'm feeling right now.

Well, 2017 kicked start pretty crazy, I'd say.
Not the way I imagined it to be.

But this year, I kinda put down a motto, or a vision.
My 2017 should be about seizing every opportunity, make things happen, start crossing off the bucket list, and make more memories. Most of all , be positive about every single shit. Or try to. Hahaha.

2016 was actually quite a lousy one, but yet very remarkable. 
If you noticed, if you read my blog, if you know me, 2014-2015 was a very, very tough period for me. I had a very tough time getting through my days, and I even suspected that I was mildly depressed. My posts during those days were very gloomy, suddenly positive af, and then back to gloomy again. My posts speak for me,  the condition of my mind and soul. 
Most of my close friends noticed that I have changed during those days, for they have always known me for being quite a happy person (but strict and fierce yes). Yeah. So 2016, was kinda like my rehab year? And I wasn't mildly depressed, I seek professional help at that moment but she said I wasn't close to depression, even. I just had an issue that I couldn't overcome at that moment. 
But yeah, 2016 was also quite tough at the beginning because things were still running around in my head, I was still slightly unhappy. But getting a job did helped me, on a really major scale. I didn't really fancy my job at first, because it was not something I see myself doing and I was also quite sad when I started it. But two months passed and I told myself I CANNOT DO THIS TO MYSELF. I'm a living breathing human I cannot work feeling like a zombie all the time.

So I started a personal project that helped me build back my positivity, and it worked really well. I started loving my job, being appreciative over everything - this is a really important thing, guys.
Appreciate is the key word. At least for me.
And BAM! 
2016 started working out slightly better, I went to three countries that year, two of which I've never stepped foot on before. It was an amazing experience, because one of them I actually brought my mom along. She loves travelling as much as I do, so I get really happy if I do get to bring her along. 
I mean, despite the lemons I occasionally get, 2016 wasn't bad, at all.
I mean, I get the downhill just like everybody does but I think the key is just to believe that things are going to be better, because it is, it will always turn out to be better.
I'm glad, I'm glad 2016 turned out the way it did, because it was another year that taught me, all things, everything will always pass. Good or bad.
But remember - you will always, always, only have the space in your heart and your brain to store the good ones. You will always forget the bad things, at the end. 
You have my word for it. 

February is almost ending, but never too late to recall my 2016.
And gaise! Start making your 2017 resolutions!!!
I did mine in like December. :P

Let's hope 2017 will be even greater.
Good things happen to good people who think good and do good.
Here's a little something :

Worry about yourself, start thinking of the changes you need to make in your life to be a better version of yourself. 
Only then, you can spread the good vibes and love people better. 
