Privileged, are you?

Beautiful Kudat, circa 2015.

It's November!!!
Ain't it crazy?

I came across a video that a friend shared to me, and had loads going on in my head.

It's a video talking about privilege, where most of us think that we, we normal people, we, more than mundane people, don't have it. 
But after watching that video, I am sure you will feel as guilty as I did.
We all, always, always think that people have better lives than we do, they are much privileged than we do. They have better backgrounds, they have better opportunities, they have better lives.
But have you ever judged your own privileges?
Have you?
I believe if not all, most of us have not.
Newsflash: We are, pretty much, very privileged. These privileges, we never see them as they are. We thought we were suppose to have them.

The video (if you are too lazy to watch, it's shared on my facebook) started off by asking people questions, and if the answer is yes, step two steps forward - and this was suppose to be a race.

To be honest, the first four questions, I was very much taken aback, in fact quite offended.
Because I couldn't figuratively take any steps forward in my imagination. I couldn't.
They asked about family, and I didn't come from, what the society deemed - a perfect family. And the next questions were about father, which I do not know how to answer. 
But the fifth questions came along, and I could take the steps forward. 
Because they were questions about the basic necessities in life, and whether do I need to worry about them or not. And I don't. Despite coming from a not very well off family, my mother did a great job raising me and siblings, very very well. 
I never needed to worry about my next meal and bills. 
When I asked for something, I will usually get it.
I am privileged, very much.

When I was younger, I was in the phase where I thought I was less fortunate, everyone else came from a wealthy family, and everybody have two parents, everyone was always waiting for their parents to come pick them up. I was comparing myself to everyone else.
But I thank God, that phase didn't last me long. 
I outgrew that phase, because I realized despite all that - I was doing perfectly fine as a human. I worked hard enough - gained what my effort deserved, and I was always a disciplined kid that didn't need my mom to worry about me. I did well in school, knew I found a love for English, and started writing as young as I was 12. Everything - school, university turned out really well for me.

And it took me not very long to realize, that I am always, always lucky. 
I don't know if it's because of my modesty and how I am really simple, or because I always count my blessings. I do! 
Good food - happy.
Good book - happy.
Good friends - happy.
But yes of course, if I were to tell you I don't compare myself to people anymore, that's bullshit. I still do sometimes, but this year I have learnt a lot. 
One most important thing is that - everyone has their own pace, it doesn't make you any lesser than anyone else just because you think you are slower. 
You are not.
You are enough, and your life is enough.
Some people may have lesser than you (god knows how to judge whats less, whats more), but they live happier than you.
Try to understand why they do.

Okay, I am out.
D-60 to 2018!