I wished I had more to share with you for 2020, but that's all in pictures.
There's something else that I do want to share, something that I stumbled on during the lockdown period and really liked it.
Sharing it here so any of you who wants to try could try this!
It's a list of conversation menu with questions to ask yourselves and your friends while experiencing this pandemic.
I've picked out a few of my favourite questions and perhaps you guys could also do some thinking/play this during your virtual dates. Sharing my answers with y'll.
What is it you most miss of the old world before?
I honestly, truly, miss the interactions with my friends and family. I miss the times we could all have a good time together, without having to worry about the risks of the virus. I really, really miss my friends. It actually shocked me when I thought about it, as I thought I would miss travelling a lot more, because friends still can be contacted virtually but I was wrong. What I miss the most about the old world is the interactions and freedom to spend time with my friends.
What seems much less important now?
Frankly speaking, the unnecessary spending I make. Excessive eating habits, unnecessary coffee breaks, impulsive buys, etc. Why do you actually need all that if you're in a pandemic? And to be honest, even without. the pandemic, you are going to be fine without all that. I mean, sure love yourself, but take care of yourself well and realize what self-love actually means, and only get things that you love 100%. I am still learning as well! Baby steps...
How do you hope the world could change for the better after this?
To hope for the world to change is a fool's dream... but if I were to be the fool (willingly if the world is changing), is to empathize and learn to be a responsible human to your own kind. Because there are far too many idiots who wear their masks below chins, squeezed into the lift although the limit is maxed, and more. Being responsible and complying to the basic rules during the pandemic is not to save yourself, but people around you. So stop being an asshole.
How would you still like to grow emotionally?
To be more in touch with my feelings, good or bad. I used to think I was very in touch with my feelings, as that means I just show whatever I feel, but being in touch with your feelings is definitely not that..Being in touch with your feelings means you understand throughout what you feel and why you feel so. The most important thing is that you are having conversations within yourself, to communicate within yourself and understand the form of actions/mentality. Besides communicating with yourselves, speaking to friends who cares about internal growth is also very, important. Sometimes you don't see your reasons behind your actions, and having someone to point that out is really important. Seek help when you need, talk to someone if you're feeling out. I admit I am still learning, and hopefully will be more in touch with my feelings moving forward..
What’s the kindest thing anyone’s done for you?
Back in university, I had a friend whom I newly knew, maybe not even 3 months in. But she was very kind and passionate to everyone, and I was shocked to receive this kindness because honestly? The story is she walked all the way perhaps 2 km away to get me my food cravings even when she was already at home (she told me she was walking back to hostel). Even then, she also always stayed back with me even when her classes finished just because I am very bad with directions and can't find my lecture classes. lulz. Ya sis dumb.
But generally speaking I find it very kind for people to believe in me despite me having doubts in myself. And I have met quite a number of them, so I am forever grateful.
Wrapping up this post, sorry it's a bit here and there, because there's no main theme here just me rambling lol. But hey, happy new year guys and you survived 2020! It's 2021 and although the pandemic is still around, we have to keep our spirits high and march on, because... well that's the only way right? Hahaha.
Stay safe guys. xoxo.